宣讲题目:Analytical investigation of Earth frozen orbits in high-precision
gravity field
The report will introduce the basic behaviors of Earth frozen orbits
including critical inclination orbits in the zonal problem with terms of
perturbations up to J15. From the mean element theory, an analytical expansion
of dynamical model is derived to obtain the conditions for frozen orbits. The
existence of Earth frozen orbits is numerically proved by the global exploration
of equilibria in the equations of motion based on Lagrangian formulations. It
is found that the frozen orbits are widely located at the inclination from 0
to 90, which may be grouped into families, i.e., family in elliptic orbit
case, family in quasi-circular orbit case and family in critical inclination
orbit case. For the elliptic and quasi-circular orbit cases, the evolution of
orbits in the neighborhood of frozen condition is investigated, which shows
that elliptic orbits tend to be more susceptible than the quasi-circular ones
with the variation of initial orbital elements. Moreover, orbital evolution
periods in these two cases reach the maximum value when the inclination
approaches to the criticality. It is demonstrated that critical inclination orbits
would not freeze the eccentricity at the specified value and the evolution
period of these type orbits converges with slight fluctuation as the term of
zonal perturbation increases.
宣讲人:张 聪
宣讲人:张 聪